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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Stranger Things Logo - Photoshop Tutorials

                     first:- click here

Step 1

Open Photoshop and create a new document. I am using 1920x900 pixels. After that fill the layer with a gradient #000000 and #303030 for colors and tilt it for better effect.
Tutorial: Stranger Things Logo

Step 2

Go to filter > blur > gaussian blur and fill with 100 for radius.
Tutorial: Stranger Things Logo

Step 3

Add a new layer above it and fill it with #d91f26. Set is blend mode to Multiply.
Tutorial: Stranger Things Logo
Tutorial: Stranger Things Logo

Step 4

Time to add some text. I'm using the original logo font, called Benguiat. The weight is bold. You can buy it at MyFonts, or feel free to use a bold, serif font of your choice. Adjust the text so that it has 2 lines, the top one being wider than the bottom one. Turn all text black (#000000).
Tutorial: Stranger Things Logo

Step 5

Group the text. In its blending options add a stroke of 10px, #d91f26 for color.
Tutorial: Stranger Things Logo

Step 6

Inside the group add 3 black, rounded rectangles, a wide one at the top and 2 smaller ones at the sides. Duplicate this group and turn the copy invisible, because we'll save it for later.
Tutorial: Stranger Things Logo

Step 7

Add a new layer below the visible group and fill it with #000000.
Tutorial: Stranger Things Logo

Step 8

Merge the group with this new black layer.
Tutorial: Stranger Things Logo

Step 9

Set the blending mode to Color Dodge.
Tutorial: Stranger Things Logo

Step 10

Duplicate this layer, and set the blending mode of the copy to Overlay.
Tutorial: Stranger Things Logo

Step 11

Turn visible the copied group from ealier. Make its stroke thinner, from 10px to 8px. Add a new layer above this group.
Tutorial: Stranger Things Logo

Step 12

Merge the new layer with this group. Go to filter > blur > gaussian blur. Set it to 1px and apply.
Tutorial: Stranger Things Logo

Step 13

For its blending mode, set it to Color Dogde, and Opacity 50%.
Tutorial: Stranger Things Logo

Step 14

Add new layer. Using a round brush add some strokes covering the logo.
Tutorial: Stranger Things Logo

Step 15

Add a gaussian blur of 100px to these strokes.
Tutorial: Stranger Things Logo

Step 16

Blending mode: Color Dodge, Opacity: 30%.
Tutorial: Stranger Things Logo

Step 17

Merge all visible layers. Duplicate it.
Tutorial: Stranger Things Logo
Tutorial: Stranger Things Logo

Step 18

Add noise to the top layer. Go to filter > noise > add noise. For values use Amount: 5%, Distribution: Gaussian, Monochromatic.
Tutorial: Stranger Things Logo

Step 19

Set its blending mode to Overlay, Opacity 70%.
Tutorial: Stranger Things Logo

Final Result

I know the final result it's not a clone of the original style, but it mimics the original pretty well. I hope it inspires you to keep trying to perfect it and even make a perfect clone.
Tutorial: Stranger Things Logo

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